Crypto and Swimming Pools
What is Crypto and how can it affect me?
“Crypto” (krip-TOE), short for Cryptosporidium, is a germ that
causes diarrhea. This germ is found in the fecal matter of a person
who has been infected by Crypto.
How is Crypto spread in pools?
Crypto is spread by swallowing water that has been
contaminated with fecal matter containing Crypto.
You share the water—and the germs in it—with every person who
enters the pool.
How do I protect myself, my family, and other swimmers?
Take action! Because Crypto can stay alive for days even in wellmaintained
pools, stopping the germ from getting there in the first
place is essential.
Giardia and Swimming Pools
What is Giardia and how can it affect me?
Giardia (gee-ARE-dee-uh) is a germ that causes diarrhea. This germ is
found in the fecal matter of a person who has been infected by Giardia.
It has a tough outer shell that allows it to survive for up to 45 minutes even
in properly chlorinated pools.
How is Giardia spread in pools?
Giardia is spread by swallowing water that has been contaminated with
fecal matter containing Giardia.
You share the water—and the germs in it—with every person who enters
the pool.
How do I protect myself, my family, and other swimmers?
Take action! Because Giardia can stay alive for almost an hour even in
well-maintained pools, stopping the germ from getting there in the first
place is essential. Making sure that your pool has the right disinfectant and
pH levels to kill Giardia is also critical.
Want more information? Below you will find more information to keep you safe this summer.
- Facts About Crypto and Swimming Pools PDF
- Facts About Giardia and Swimming Pools PDF
- Make a healthy splash PDF
- Ready Wrigley Prepares You for Extreme Heat Coloring book PDF
- What is in your cannonball? PDF
For more information visit the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.